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Tuesday, December 5, 2006

TV Hot Spot: Heroes

Heroes Episode 11:
Fallout (Mid-Season Finale)

Review by: Sal

Oh My God. That Mid-Season Finale left me with my jaw dropped to the floor. Now going through this I will cut down the review into equal parts to try and be as efficient as possible. At first I would just like to comment on the ratings of this episode, and then slowly go on with the writers, cast and storyline of Heroes as a whole. So, the ratings of this mid-season finale scored a usual 8.9/13 which basically means that the series was able to rank in 15.5 - 16 Million Viewers. Not really Mid-season finale worthy, but it was a great episode. So lets begin with my special review...

So let me begin with the writers. Bravo to them on writing an excellent 11 episode opening for this new series. I cant say that I 'loved' all of them, but surely they were keeping me on the edge of my seat. This episode however I was expecting this huge battle, but in return got something even better. More mystery and shockers. The writers know how to keep their viewers tuned in and even though it isnt ranking in the viewers like other hit shows (Desperate Housewives) this show has been claimed as the lead show of this season. Topping other hit shows Brothers & Sisters, and Ugly Betty (to name a few). Another thing I wanted to touch upon before I get into the details of the episode, I wanted to say that it was such a great thing to see ALL of the cast members we know of in one episode. In the past, the writers tried to pull off full episodes without some of the 'Heroes' involved. But this time, they managed to squeez in each one to give us a bigger picture to whats going on...

Right! Now for the episode. The first thing we get to see is an insight to Claire Bennet and her father 'HRG'. During this episode Claire's dad confesses to her that he knew about her power all along. And that throughout this whole time he couldnt tell her the truth for some 'bad' things he has done in the past. Now remember the writers so far have made us think that maybe Claire's dad isnt bad at all. But then, we get to see more. As the episode goes by Claire tries to communicate with Lyle her brother, as well as Zach who later on 'Forget' everything about Claire's powers! I thought that this was very mysterious and I knew something else was going on. Now, when I first realised this was when 'HRG' told Sylar that he was going to find out what makes him tick. Does this mean that he has done this to other superheroes? Disect them and find out what makes them tick? If it is, then it proves our theory of him being bad. And the writers make us even more interested when 'HRG' sets his evil apprentice (Who is still nameless and sucks out the power of the other Heroes) to go and erase peoples memories including Claire's. But as he goes to finish the job, he tells Claire that he isnt going to erase her mind and asks if she could keep a secret?! I am sitting there going "Whats the secret! What is it?!" And as usual the writers leave us guessing as that is the last we see of Claire and 'HRG' for that matter. Whether we know if he is 'truly' bad or not is still in question. Why does he want Claire to forget? To protect her? And why did that evil apprentice let her remember? And what is the secret?

So many questions and I just got to one of the Heroes. Now for the next batch. Hiro & Isaac. We see Hiro finally reaching the high school which Claire attends. He hears about a cheerleader being killed and thinks it is too late, and that he couldn't save the cheerleader (not knowing Claire survived). Although, the nice thing about it is he didn't give up. A part of me was like, "No dont give up Hiro!" and to my surprise he didnt. Instead he focused more into his destiny and recieved a call from Isaac. This turns into a meeting where Isaac and Hiro exchange conversations about their ability and about stopping this 'bomb'. And the final thing I will say about these two Heroes is, That Dinasour drawing with Hiro and a sword was hilarious. And Hiro saying that he "Needs" to find this sword was even funnier. Knowing the writers, I feel Hiro will be travelling back in time, maybe even to the dinasour ages very soon...If he does, I cant wait!

Trying to keep this short is not going to be possible, because there are many things to ask! Now we go on to DL, Micah & Nikki/Jessica. Bravo to the special effects crew for making that bullet go through DL's head and into the tire instead. I thought that was amazing. Throughout this chase, Jessica has taken control and Nikki is left powerless. Its basically a journey that Nikki goes through, almost killing DL and hurting her son Micah in the process. Of course it wasnt Nikki who did it, it was Jessica. Its amazing how powerful she is over Nikki and something tells me that this power may be too strong for her to handle. And that she truly cant be trusted. Turning herself in was something I didnt see coming, I thought she was just going to run away, to save Micah and DL from herself, but the writers surprise us again. I wonder what will happen to Nikki/Jessica now. I have a feeling this isnt the last we heard from them both...

Now I am going to try and squeeze in two things in this paragraph. Firstly commenting on Mohinder's return to New York. We didnt get to see a lot of him, but we know for a fact that he has come back to find these Heroes and save them, before they turn 'deceased' as well. And Secondly, is Matt. He first meets Peter, and like I predicted the two share each others powers and it was hilarious watching them both trying to read each others minds. It was cool too of course. And not only that, Matt also tries to read Claire's mind but cant. The main reason being that the evil apprentice of 'HRG' is hiding in the police station blocking his ability so that he wont be able to read anyones thoughts. Matt slowly picks up on this and him and his fellow detective find out that 'HRG' and the evil apprentice knows something about Sylar. And that is what we are left with on his part.

Finally, I am going to comment about the last Hero, who sadly we saw lost her life. Eden. Her ability to read peoples mind was awesome, but something still left me wondering. How did Sylar use his ability on her, but not 'HRG'. I still dont understand that thing. We didnt see the evil apprentice there help block out Sylar's power, so why did he attack Eden and not 'HRG'. Well, somehow, he does and Eden tries to use her power against Sylar only to have him use it against her, leading to her death. This leaves us with yet another conclusion, Sylar has escaped...

Ok so. My final paragraph is going to go towards the whole storyline of this series. The beginning episodes gave us an introduction to the series and Heroes. Showing us their powers and an insider look into their lives. Now after a few episodes they begin to meet and all try to combine to save the world. So what are we left with for 6 long weeks until the next episode of "Heroes". We are left with Peter being the one who explodes in the future. The one who destroys Manhatten. Now I dont know HOW Peter saw this, because if you rememeber he has seen things before without him being there (He dreamt about Nathan's car accident without even being told about it). Maybe this is another one of his powers which we have yet to understand. And is the future right? Is Peter the one who will destroy Manhatten? And if he is, it didnt look like Hiro and his fellow "Heroes" did a very good job at stopping it! Peter was so shocked about his 'vision' that we were left with him saying "Its me".

Thanks guys for reading this review. I will try and update you all about the return of "Heroes" but until then (January 22nd)...

Take care guys!


Anonymous said...

Huge fan of heroes and I loved this episode, your right it left us with many many questions and i cant wait for it to start again on the 22nd of jan!!!!!!! EVERYONE should be watching this series! It is AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

i'm so into this tv series right now.. =D

Anonymous said...

woah I like the questions you raised in your review, I was thinking the exact same when I watched it. 6 Weeks until the next episode!! dont know if I can hole myself for that long lmfao!!

-Hiro Maniac