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crappy ass time slot = doomed from the start. Great series.
I LOVED THAT SHOW and so did my 21 year old daughter. It was her favorite show on TV. She ain't happy! We usually TIVO it so I'm afraid they couldn't tell we were watching it. PLEASE bring it back. It has really good potential. Give it a better time slot.
everyone watches it online anyway! Who the hell uses a TV anymore. Maybe someone can make a comic out of it so I can continue to be entertained by the story. HINT HINT HINT ANYONE PLEASE!!!!
The writers and producers took to long to get the brother believing that Dab was time jumping. My wife and I were almost ready to stop watching because of it. Most of the tension genrated by the show was forced in that it could be gotten rid of just by convincing the brother. We enjoyed the episode where the brother was convinced, but it should have come much earlier. They did it to themselves by leaving so late.
It's a smart show and they stopped spending marketing dollars on it as soon as it didn't jump into the top viewership category. But, if they really believed in it, they could rerun episodes back to back on Sundays like they did with Heroes until people catch on.
Pisses me off that shows with a little intelligence don't get enough of a chance to make it.
M*A*S*H almost tanked, but they gave it a second season, and look what happened.
Renew it and PROMOTE it, damn it!
OMG!! You have to be kidding...
This show rocks!
NBC reconsider, this is a major kewl show...
the garbage out there is turning off people to your station...
this is one of the first shows my wife and I could ENJOY.
so if ratings are dipping it is because MOST intelligent people don't poll well when they never turn your station on.. because of past shows...
I rarely watch TV ... BECAUSE it's basically filled with stupid garbage, sex , anti-christian, anti-family, tree hugging, and Pro-homosexual activist propaganda.
Finally a neutral, good plot intriguing show comes on and the "networks" say it gets bad ratings...
You may want to rethink who really carries the $$ ...
Upwardly mobile, familys.
Look at the profamily oriented films they all bring in more then the garbage films (hint: that is because they can take thier family... ie. more money...)
** NBC the people you now are polling are not truely representative of what your market could be....
Look at FOX news... why are they so popular?
They report UNBIASED news, yes some say they are "right wing" but actually they just report without agenda...
Families can trust them....
I wonder which network will get a clue of this mostly untapped market...humm...
yeah, I said all that to say I like Journeyman and please keep it running, ill buy from your sponsers.. just please keep it on...
Absolutely unbelievable! Distribution of media is/has changed and you're completely missing the mark on this show. Yes, no doubt about it, big mistake. I think many of us on this board would love to meet the people that made this very hasty decision. Believe it or not the viewing public is using the DVR to watch the show on 'our-time' terms. This is the 21st century and controlling time is what it's all about. Hello? Honestly, you should really reconsider your decision. Don't be so hasty. I was just telling my wife how amazing this show is. We jumped online to see who was writing and producing it. "West Wing" alumni, are you people wacked. "West Wing" Stop for just a moment and reflect on the success of that show. Sheesh!
Pulling this show is clearly a mistake as it was funny, well written and featuring great actors.
But then again, if it can be any kind of pain to people as close-minded as Eccelsiastical, guess I can live with that. Dude, living in the 19th century will not get you far in the 21st... and I really hope no children get brain-washed by your hater attidude. It's people like you who start wars...
Love this show. Great writing and story lines. Really keeps you guessing. Too bad writers' strike doomed it. Maybe SCI-FI could pick it up.
This show should not be canceled. It's extremely well produced, entertaining, and was unfortunately placed at a terrible time.
It must be revived. Maybe I'll go back in time and boost the ratings.
Just like Daybreak, a show that had something to do with investigations and time, cancelled before its time. Journeyman is a show for people who think and therefore don't watch much TV. I have been watching Journeyman from the net because I can't sit down at a certain hour to watch a show and I can't stand the commercials on TV. BTW the actress Moonblood was in both shows could she be a curse or just unlucky.
"Journeyman" is the best show NBC has... one of the few shows on television worth watching. This is why American television has such a bad wrap. If any network refused to allow the same old moronic crap that litters the tube and instead, ran stimulating, thought provoking entertainment they would create their own audience and raise the bar of programming across the board. I work in the industry and the writers strike is effecting everyone... but that doesn't excuse cancelling the only show you don't have to be on thorozine to endure just because the first few episodes didn't get high ratings. Some of the most popular shows in history didn't receive good ratings the first season, i.e. Star Trek, X-files, MASH, etc... Give the show another chance. Quit playing down to the audience and allow them to rise up to inteligent programming. The people will respond...
"You are kidding me" This show has only just started on Australian television. I have been lucky enough to watch the show from the start with the rest of the world via the net. There aren't that many shows I enjoy watching these days and when a show does come on that I can get excited about, it gets pulled. It's just another example of those in control not keeping up with technology. Don't just use one way of gauging a show's popularity. Some of us dont have the time to watch a show live or the patience to wait for our local tv stations to put a show on, which is why we have to resort to downloading what is a very good program. NBC, lift your game and get in touch with your audience.
I can't believe that this show is being canceled. I think they should move it to the sci-fi channel. NBC owns that station and they could give it a better time slot. Everytime I enjoy a TV show it gets canceled.
I'd like to add my two cents. I agree that whoever made this decision needs to revisit it, although if the writers are on strike then then it's not like new episodes can be created.
Hopefully the show will come back after the writers strike is done. In fact, why don't the writers band together and become the producers of this show themselves?
This was the best new show on television. It was incredible from the start, and it only kept getting better. If this series were to go on, it would be simply AMAZING. NBC may not have renewed it, but 20th distribution ought to look to another more fitting channel--*cough* Sci-Fi *cough*--to pick up this fantastic show.
Great show. I'm sad cause I'm watching the last one now.
Boo! NBC please continue the show!
Try again! Sci-fi please help!
I'm sooooooooooooooo disappointed. This is one of the few shows I watch. They didn't even give it a chance. Don't worry guys...we will have another cookie-cutter law and order b.s. show to look forward to as a replacement for Journeyman. That's what the morons at NBC think the mindless masses want more of. I hope some other network wisens up and picks up this show and KILLS in the ratings.
Journeyman is what time travel is all about. This show actually gets deep into the heart of a family who's father is a time traveler. The fact that they even mention friends and family of a time traveler is what was missing from Quantum Leep. Now if Quantum Leep could survive some number of seasons, Journeyman should survive the test of time as well. I'm a true believer of this show and hope that it will survive.
I can’t believe this shit! I love this show. For once something worth watching that brought quality, love, drama, suspense, and action. I watched the last episode tonight and was floored to know it was the last one.
I hope NBC reconsiders or another network like HBO will pick it up. People who rather watch reality garbage, voting on who can sing, or which a bunch of fat ass people try to lose the most weight in 6 months. No wonder this country is so brain dead.
It's really to bad that no matter how much we talk about the HUGE mistake canceling this show is in the end it most likely will not make a difference. It was a compelling story and I found myself eagerly anticipating each new episode - now It's likely we'll never know the meaning behind it all. Perhaps someone will pick the story up and write a set of novels. To bad NBC doesn't see to know when they've got a good thing going.
Great show, Listen everyone here has a great point, I watched most of the shows online, but knowing that today was the last show I could not wait till it posted online. It certainly has been left open, I sure would like the show brought back. The concept is fantastic, but hey I liked Quantum Leap as well. but this was just better and more believable. For gods sake, Scott would leap into a monkey and look how long that show survived. Give the writers what they want, with out them all you have are reruns and dead air. The actors may be good, but the backbone to your shows and survival are the writers. who are you without them.
"Journeyman", "Life", and "Sunday Night Football" were essentially my only reasons to watch NBC this season. Despite the initial freshness of "Chuck", the show failed to advance its plot and its characters beyond a silly puppy-love story, while the typical conspiracy theory discussions regarding "Heroes" around the water-cooler quickly disappeared as the season progressed. In the end unfortunately, it's just one less reason to watch the Peacock.
What is wrong with NBC for even considering cancelling this show without at least giving it another time slot? If Journeyman was flopped with “Clash of the Choirs” it would be that ridiculous show being cancelled. But who would care about that?
Give me a break, this show was original and made me want to watch NBC. I thought it was going to be a Quantum Leap knock-off (loved that show), but it wasn't. It was fresh and had so much potential. Any chance for a Jericho -esque come back???? Please!!!
My g/f and I watch this show together. Clever little show sometimes and I agree with the one person who said they took too long to let the brother in on the secret. Still wish it wasn't cancelled! All NBC has now is my fav show HEROES.
NBC just doesn't get it. People are downloading or TIVOing their TV nowadays. Traditional ratings do not represent actual numbers of viewers. Try googling "Journeyman Cancelled" and see how many pissed off people there are out there. NBC is making a mistake.
Major bummer. This is a great show!
NBC is a joke anymore. They cancel all the good shows that require one iota of intelligence to watch. When will they figure out that the people watching these shows have much more disposable $$ then people watching the other trash that gets good ratings.
ALSO - not everyone watches primetime TV anymore. I usually TiVo journeyman or watch it online. Time to get with the times NBC....
God forbid NBC could keep a show that has a great story line, great actors, great production and full of possibilities. Give it a chance, will you??? Well, I'm sure NBC can find one more shitty reality/competition show from which to dig up "has-been's" like Bolton and Labelle!
Good job NBC, keep producing those quality crap reality shows!
Big Mistake NBC. This show was only going to mature and grow. What world do you think we live in now? Reality shows are but a fading memory and this show could have been one of your rainmakers.
You really had something here, something with edge, something that bith GenX and Y appreciate. Time to axe those baby boomer executives, grow a pair and listen to your audience. What a damn shame.
OH NoooooooOOOOOOO! This is the only TV program that I love!! I DVR several shows, but I could live without them, but Journeyman is different and AWESOME! Please tell me it's a book we can get, but better yet PLeASE bring this great show back to TV!!!
Hey I'm a baby boomer & Journeyman is my favorite TV show. I have to DVR it to see it every week - does this mean I wasn't counted in the ratings? Get with it, NBC! Figure out how to count the viewers who watch on their own schedule! THIS SHOW SHOULD GO ON AS DOES HEROES!
Why is it that the only worthwhile lineup is on Monday? NBC seemed to delberately set this show up to fail in the same time slot as CSI and Monday Night Football. A bunch of brainiacs, don't let it establish an audience, just throw it against the best lineup in the week. The rest of the week we're stuck with sur-reality shows; yuk.
Today is the worst day ever. I am so upset to find out that Journeyman is no longer. It has been a very long time since there was a smart show worth watching. Great storylines, fantastic acting and just an enjoyable show. Please tell me it isn't so.
Well, there goes NBC again.. Canceling a very good show with a great storyline and great actors. Now they will replace it with more reality garbage shows. I am starting to understand what NBC really stands for....
N othing
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I'm very disappointed with NBC's decision. This is a great show that deserves to be on the air. It's one of the few things worth watching on NBC.
leave it to nbc to screw something good.journeyman was awesome...family show period......hope someone else picks it up...
Best show on television. NBC is whacked to cancel this show.
I just heard the news. I am incredibly disappointed. NBC sucks. I rarely watch shows on any of the three network stations. Cable offers the best entertainment on TV. By the by, I love the idea of one of the cable channels picking up Journeyman. NBC makes one bad programming decision after the next. Did I mention that they suck???
I loved Journeyman, I can't believe NBC would cancel it so soon. There are obviously a lot of people here who agree with me.
T.V. networks need to catch on that a huge amount of people don't watch regular T.V. anymore with the internet, TiVo and other media...
BTW, was that guy serious about FOX being unbiased? If so, he really needs to start looking at the world from outside his own country, the bare-faced lies they tell on that channel are just staggering.
I have no problem with America and I admire the patriotism of many Americans, but there's more to the world than left wing Vs. right wing and USA Vs. the rest of the world.
Save Journeyman!
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