TV Hot Spot: News
Heroes: Milo Interview!
Post by: Sal
Source: Mr. Media & SpoilerTV
ANDELMAN: We have to talk about “Heroes,” of course, don’t we? We can’t take live calls today, so I did the next best thing, and I solicited questions from friends of mine and fans of yours.
ANDELMAN: So these are coming from a few places here. Let’s start with this question from DigDog: “Did the writers’ strike hobble the show by forcing producers to end any of the story lines prematurely?”
VENTIMIGLIA: I don’t think it hobbled us so much as it cut us short. The writers’ strike was one of those unfortunate things that stops production. Beyond the strike, you can’t write anything new. You can only produce what’s been written. We basically ran out of material. I think the producers, it was their intent to give some kind of a wrap-up to what became a very short season just so that people weren’t left with too many questions. In my opinion, it was a good thing to do to, hopefully, tie up a couple loose ends, and we leave people wanting a little bit more.
ANDELMAN: This second season got hit by some criticism early on that it was taking too long to get to the meat. And then it seemed like those last couple weeks, the critics and the fans may have come around a little bit.
VENTIMIGLIA: Yeah, they did. We had some problems early on, still working out problems toward the end, but I know the show started to get back to that same feeling, that same sentiment that we all worked very hard for. But it’s one of those things. You just gotta understand that a season is long. You’re making usually 24 episodes, so I think when there’s a little bit of a delay, there’s not that instant, rewarding scene or moment or episode, and people get impatient. So it’s finding that balance between giving and getting.
ANDELMAN/Mr. MEDIA: It must be hard for both the writers and the actors to be on a show where the expectations are so high. You almost reach a point where, no matter what you do, you’re going to let people down. Is that the case?
MILO VENTIMIGLIA: Yeah. You’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t. You just gotta know that, ultimately, the work that you’re doing, the work that you’re putting in, it’s your best efforts, and it’s everybody’s best effort. That being said, though, all those best efforts have to come together in sync. Otherwise, the show doesn’t have a heart.
ANDELMAN: Before the writers’ strike set in, how much did you know of plot lines for your character going in? And how much do you think that may change going forward with the delay in getting back into production?
VENTIMIGLIA: I knew quite a bit. I knew where we were headed, but I also had the luxury of not really having to follow too closely because Peter had amnesia. I went in for a meeting with Tim Kring before we started filming, and he said, “Peter can’t remember anything.” I said, “Okay, great. Let me know as I need to know stuff.” I just kind of waited around. Usually, you’re pretty eager to know where you’re headed. I had no idea where Peter was going to go, and it didn’t really matter at that point. Where we’re going to be going after, again, that’s all up in the air. I think the production team was taking into consideration the criticism we got and hopefully, wanting to get back on track to the same feel we had the first season. So I think things are going to switch up a little bit.
ANDELMAN: Is there any question whether you’ll stay with the show? Eric, who wrote in, said that he had heard rumors that you didn’t necessarily want to continue.
VENTIMIGLIA: Who said that?
ANDELMAN: Eric. He’s one of the people who sent in some questions for you.
VENTIMIGLIA: Really? I’m a real guy, and I also have a contract that I hope to honor. So I’ll be on the show, I think, as long as they would have me and as long as I’m obligated to it and put my best work forward, and I’ll leave everything else up to time. I’ve got other ambitions, but when it comes to the show, and when we’re in production, that’s what I’m doing.
ANDELMAN: Dr. Blogstein, who has a show on BlogTalkRadio, wanted to know this: “Are there considerations in taking a few episodes this coming season or next to go deeper into the back story and focus on your character’s parents as well as George Takei’s character and some of the older heroes?”
VENTIMIGLIA: I think that was our intent -- to understand a little bit more. That’s always been the question. People want to know how did these abilities come about? The way the shows been going -- the storyline -- it seems that there was a greater mystery as to why these people, how these people have these abilities. Again, that’s a lot up to the writers about what they’re looking to explore. And, of course, the actors, we can give our two cents in what we’d like to see, what we’d like to get into, but it’s ultimately up to the writers.
ANDELMAN: Oh. Okay. Sharon’s question is, “If you’re not dating Hayden Panettiere, who are you dating?”
VENTIMIGLIA: It’s one of those funny questions that…
ANDELMAN: I’m glad I didn’t ask.
VENTIMIGLIA: I think when you’re young and in this industry, and you work as much as I do, you try to spend time with people that want to spend time with you. That’s about all you can do.
ANDELMAN: Alright. Last question: Mimi asks, “What powers would you want in real life?”
VENTIMIGLIA: I think in a world where there are people with abilities, I’d take my character’s. He’s a sponge. He can soak up anything. But if I just had any ability, I’d want to be able to teleport. I could go have coffee in Paris if I wanted to and lunch in Italy, then be right back at home in the flash of an eye.
Take Care,
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