TV Hot Spot: The Hills
The Hills 2x03
Post by: Sal
Hey guys. Sal here and Im about to write in the latest review for the series "The Hills". Thanks to Nas first for updating the website for the past 2 days, its been really hectic over here and I needed a small break, thus the lack of reviews lately. But hopefully with this week starting I hope to update the site as we go on. And like I said in past reviews, we have something big coming up in the next few days so you guys have to wait and see what we have up our sleeve. Its all under-wraps so far, but we promise that you guys will be the first to find out when its done. Ok so for the episode review.
Lauren. Our first girl of the series. I love her so much in it, and actually think that she is generally a nice person at heart. In this episode we see her moving on with her personal life again. She hangs out with Brody, and then actually reveals that she might be feeling something for him. Denying it at first and then accepting it, the blonde then enjoys a passionate kiss with him at his condo. Not sure what this means for Lauren. She did make it clear though that if anything were to happen she would like to remain friends and nothing more. This episode for her was an akward one too, trying to deal with the whole Heidi and Audrina war.
Now for Heidi. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yup it was her birthday in the episode. But thats not all! Girl Fights! The definition. If you see two girls who hate each other like these two and refuse to speak to one and other, try and ask them why. In most cases, they wont even remember what the fight was about. And in this episode you see it. The girls are arguing and ignoring eachother and this whole argument has started over nothing. I cant wait for Heidi to find out that Spencer is playing her so that she could once and for all get rid of the guy. He just annoys me so much and I am glad that I saw the preview for next weeks episode. Looks like someone is going to get BUSTED!
Another girl. Whitney. We finally see her a bit more in this episode. Nothing much as usual. She tries to involve herself into the war between Audrina and Heidi and I guess she felt the akwardness between them as well. Audrina, our final girl of the series still doesn't know what she did wrong. And I still feel bad for her. It wasn't her fault that Spencer asks her out. He made a move on her and she still didn't give in. She knows Spencer is playing on Heidi and when Heidi finds out I hope that she will forgive Audrina. The girl is hurting!
Final thoughts. Looks like they are slowly introducing this new girl into the series. Her name is Jen, and she is one of Lauren's friends. Or was it Heidi's friend. Anyway, the trio know eachother! So it seems that she is showing up more and more in the series and I actually like her. She was being very protective of her friends and stood up against Audrina at Heidi's birthday bash. Anyway, I loved the episode and I cannot wait for the next episode. Like I said, Spencer is CAUGHT next episode! YES!
Take Care xox
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