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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

TV Hot Spot: News

Hilton Sues Over Latest Naked Pics

Post by: Shai

What's that expression about closing the barn door only after all of the horses, cows and pigs have already gotten loose?

For some reason, that's what comes to mind amidst the news of Paris Hilton's latest lawsuit involving the latest set of naked pictures to pop up on the internet.

Hilton filed a federal lawsuit on Monday against the website, a subscription sit boasting a variety of personal possessions belonging to the "House of Wax" co-star. The celebutante, unaware that these suits only bring more attention to her nudie pics (or perhaps very aware of that fact), is seeking to shut the recently launched site down and retrieve her possessions.

The site contains a variety of images and video clips -- some more-than-a-little naughty -- of Hilton and her famous friends, including "Girls Gone Wild" mastermind Joe Francis. But more than just naked pictures of the over-exposed startlet, the site also features images from her diary, passport and address books.

The website, which opened for business on Jan. 23 tells the following heartbreaking story of the acquisition of its Hilton booty: "As she was moving form one LA mansion to another, Paris Hilton, heiress to the Hilton dynasty, and this generation's most famous celebrity, put more than 6,000 square feet of her possessions into an ordinary self-service storage facility. Believe it or not, this supermodel, from one of the wealthiest families in the world, failed to pay her $208 bill... As you probably guessed by now, the storage unit was auctioned off... the heiress lost all rights to her goods... thankfully for her, (and you), we've retrieved, catalogued, itemized, and digitized every last item."

Obtained by the good folks at TheSmokingGun, Hilton's suit against Bardia Persa, Nabil Haniss and Nabila Haniss (as well as 10 unnamed "Does") is a complaint for copyright infringement, invasion of privacy and violation of the common law right of publicity among other misdeeds.

In rather dramatic terms, it begins "This action seeks to enjoy perhaps one of the single most egregious and reprehensible invasions of privacy ever committed against an individual."

Hilton's lawyers say that the site was able to obtain the various displayed materials "due to sheer mistake and dubious circumstances." The suit goes on to explain how Hilton put the Public Storage unit under the name of the moving company to avoid attracting attention to Hilton. The moving company was allegedly to pay Public Storage and Hilton was to pay the moving company. Wires were crossed. Bills weren't paid. Next thing you know, Hilton's private bits are downloadable on the Internet. Again.

The suit claims that the site could cause irreparable harm to Hilton's reputation, but also adds that having the more private information available to the public could make it easier for people to "steal Hilton's identity, or even worse, to talk and even physically harm Hilton."

As of Tuesday afternoon, the website remains up and operational.

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